Sobeida Felix Morel was the lover of one of the most wanted drug traffickers in the Caribbean, José David Figueroa. I say she was, because now the drug dealer, known as Junior Capsula, is being held without bail at the Federal Detention Center in Puerto Rico after his arrest on the island. His federal case, incredibly, has nothing to do with illegal drug smuggling, but with obtaining a United States passport through fraud and deceit.
Locally, Junior Capsula was convicted or murder in Puerto Rico. In 1995 he was incarcerated for the death of Arnaldo Martinez with aggravated kidnapping, conspiracy and violation of the Weapons Act of Puerto Rico.
Four years later, this "jewel of a man" managed to evade the prison system in November 1999 by filing a false release order. He immediately left Puerto Rico and went to the Dominican Republic, where he established himself as one of the "big shots" of the drug. His business quickly rose. He made friends with influential, wealthy, professionals and maybe even the government people. Basically, he did what he wanted. Its many properties and vehicles include at least two apartments worth over half a million dollars, and sports cars that many honest and hardworking young people dream all their lives but, ultimately, can't afford.
Capsula's adventure ended on Calle Loiza, near San Juan, Puerto Rico, on July 17, 2010. He was captured by federal agents. with the collaboration of the local police.
As a young man with money, Junior Capsula was popular among the girls. His legal wife is now a fugitive in France, but here in the Caribbean he was romantically involved with two young women who, incidentally, were married to two of Capsula's partners. One of these women is the Sobeida.
Turns out that Sobeida is still legally married to Eddy Brown, an alleged member of Junior Capsula's criminal emporium. Once Junior no longer felt safe in the Dominican Republic, he returned to Puerto Rico and settled in the Isla Verde area. His physical traits had changed. He now wears straight "punk" hair and has a finer nose. I am not sure if Capsula brought Sobeida to Puerto Rico with him, or if she came voluntarily, but the fact is that Sobeida and her sister were in Puerto Rico at the time Junior Capsula was arrested.
The same day Junior Capsula was arrested, Sobeida negotiated her surrender. She was deported to the Dominican Republic, where she is facing trial for conspiracy.
It has been published by the media that Sobeida has two children. I wonder what their fate has been so far. Sobeida may not care about them, but I am concerned if her children are safe, if they go to school, if they are well and healthy and who is taking care of them.
Sobeida's parents are living in poverty. They see their child once every three months and the mother is sick after a thrombosis.
What about Sobeida? Fine, thank you. She was living the good life in expensive communities, driving luxury cars. She was getting liposuction, massages and breast implants. She went to parties. I must admit that she has a beautiful skin. She probably did what Cleopatra did, according to oral tradition: extensive and expensive beauty treatments. Sobeida may have not bathe in tubs filled with donkey's milk, but she is possibly getting micro dermabrassion treatments at hundreds of dollars per session. Hence the unfreckled skin. Her white teeth may have cost a fortune too. Her little fake fingernails show a professional French manicure.
Sobeida, what's wrong? You may be beautiful on the outside, but no one understands your inner attitudes. When you surrendered to the authorities, instead of being worried and covering your face with your jacket, just like criminals do, you smiled to the photographers and waved your cuffed hands at them. The site calls Sobeida "the new megadiva" This name is tremendously correct. She thinks she looks sexy in her helmet and bulletproof vest. Or maybe she is so stupid that she doesn't realize her life is in danger, because in the world of drug dealers anyone who has information or has seen the operation is a potential enemy to those remaining in business and must be eliminated.
Well, there is always the possibility that she is smiling because she is happy and relieved that her days of hiding are over. Maybe she is smiling at the possibility of being the person she was ten years ago: poor but free. Or maybe she is shedding one by one the heavy layers of an apparent happy lifestyle and starting to feel lighter.
Of course, there is always the possibility that she is a sociopath, and therefore she doesn't care about the situation she is involved in. Sociopaths believe laws don't apply to them and that there is always a way around them. Maybe she is laughing at the Justice System. Maybe she is hoping to buy her freedom with a couple "Dominican" cheles. Maybe she is waiting for her contacts to come and rescue her as if they were the Batman and Robin of corruption.
There is also the possibility that Sobeida is psychotic and this is keeping her from truly comprehending the implications of her actions. Maybe she is smiling at the voices she is hearing. Maybe she is smiling because she has built a different reality in which everything is right.
Sobeida, we want to know: what are you laughing at?