Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nutrition for the Skin

Good nutrition means good health. Many of the nutrients we take for good health also benefit the skin when applied topically.

NaturScience™ incorporated a wide spectrum of these skin-protective ingredients from the land and the sea, plus exciting new scientific technologies into Rejuvenetics™ skincare, all based on anti-aging research, to help you look your absolute best.

The Jewel of the Nile!
In 1982, UCLA scientists unearthed several dormant Lotus seeds buried at the
bottom of a dried-up lakebed in China for over 1200 years. When the seeds were
replanted in a greenhouse, they germinated into beautiful flowers as if they were
young seedlings. After examining the seeds, the scientists discovered they
contained a special protein enzyme with anti-aging potential. This enzyme helped
repair any cellular damage prior to germination, which explained the flowers’
remarkable longevity.
Years later, Dermatologists theorized that these seeds might offer protection against
factors that age skin. Their theory was proven correct when they combined an extract
of the Lotus Seed into a topical lotion. Clinical trials showed it helped reduce the
appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by 50%!

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Sugars that Heal

Blood circulation:  Red = oxygenated  Blue = d...Image via Wikipedia

Glyconutrients—the sugars that heal
The Greek word “glyco” means “sweet”. Hence, “glyconutrients” means “sweet nutrient”. Glyconutrients are complex sugars.) In 1996, eight glyconutrients were identified to be involved in the cellular communication processes. The essential glyconutrients facilitate cell to cell communication, support the immune system, and promote proper functioning of the nervous and endocrine system.

Glyconutrients are important factors in keeping the cardiovascular system functioning at an optimum level. They aid the body in keeping cholesterol and triglycerides in normal healthy ranges.

Glyconutrients have been shown to increase endurance, enhance sexual function and reverse infertility. They also support healthy skin and promote skin firmness. (Mondoa)

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The Benefits of Limu -Brown Algae

Space-filling model of glutathioneImage via Wikipedia

Natural support for energy, immunity & optimal health.

Laminaria Japonica— the queen of seaweeds Although there are many types of seaweeds around the coasts of the Pacific Ocean, it is the species Laminaria Japonica that has been shown to have the greatest healing benefits. The reason for its miraculous healing properties is its concentration of a specific fucoidan known as U-Fucoidan. Other healing compounds stored in this most beneficial seaweed are antioxidants, including polyphenols, amino acids,
essential fatty acids including DHA, essential glyconutrients, organic minerals, vitamins
(especially B12), live plant enzymes, alginates for detoxification of heavy metals and laminarin shown to reduce abnormal blood clotting.

Fucoidan—the magic of LimuPlex®
The benefits of Fucoidan have been reported in over 700 scientific studies worldwide. Fucoidan has been shown to romote optimal health utilizing a variety of pathways:

  1. Fucoidans optimize the natural killer cell (NK) function, your first line of immune defense.
  2. Fucoidan promotes a healthy immune response by increasing macrophageproduction, and enhancing its phagocytic activity which help the body get rid of viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites. (Ponce NM), (Khotimchenko IuS), (Angstwurm K), (Schaeffer DJ)
  3. Fucoidan helps to maintain healthy upper respiratory mucous membranes which, when weakened, may increase the incidence of Bronchitis, Asthma, Chronic Obstructive
    Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and other pulmonary diseases.
    (Davis TA)
  4. Fucoidan strengthens the mucosal lining of the digestive and urinary tracts. (Mourao PA).
  5. Fucoidan is a powerful free-radical neutralizer. (Davis TA)
  6. Fucoidan is important for normal blood sugar level, and to support liver function. (Davis TA)
  7. Fucoidan is important for healthy hair, nails and skin tone.
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